Good chemistry at Dressmann
You can be absolutely sure that the products you buy from us do not contain harmful chemicals.
You can be absolutely sure that the products you buy from us do not contain harmful chemicals.
“It is crucial that the products we offer our customers are safe. Product safety is a priority, and we have a dedicated team working to ensure that all our products comply with chemical and safety requirements,” says Nils Thomas, Senior Quality Assurance Specialist at Varner, which Dressmann is a part of.
“We have developed chemical restrictions that all manufacturers must follow. These restrictions comply with EU international legislation, are regularly updated, and are monitored through a comprehensive testing program. Tests are conducted before products are shipped to ensure they meet our chemical requirements. In this work, we collaborate with internationally recognized laboratories that assist us and our manufacturers,” says Nils Thomas.
As part of Varner, Dressmann is also a member of the Chemicals Group. This is a Swedish interest group organized by RISE – Research Institutes of Sweden – which brings together textile companies aiming to reduce the use of chemicals in production processes.
Learn more about how Varner and Dressmann are working towards more sustainable production, employee welfare, and safe supply chains in our 2023 Sustainability Report. If you have any further questions, you can send an email to the sustainability department at [email protected].